Run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard > Choose the Word file location > Scan all lost data. The solutions for Microsoft Office Word has stopped working and Word file recovery can also be applied to fix similar issues on other Office apps, such as Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Consequently, i can no longer open ANY Microsoft Word Applications. Microsoft Office 2011 stopped working after MAC Update 10.9.2: EXCBADACCESS I recently updated my MAC to the latest OS update from the App Store. In this case, you can start Word in Safe Mode, which does not load any add-ins.

If you continue to get the “Word has stopped working” message, then keep reading for more possible solutions! Method 2 – Disable All Add-ins Sometimes an add-in that gets installed automatically by another program (such as Adobe, etc.), might cause Word to crash. You can follow fixes on this page to resolve Microsoft Word has stopped working issue and use EaseUS file recovery software to bring the lost Word files back with ease. When Microsoft Office Word suddenly stops working or fails to open a document on Windows 10/8/7, don't worry.